Documenting the 2020 mentorship with artist Harrell Fletcher. Designed and printed in 2021. Printed by Publication Studio Hudson.
Songwriters in the Round - professional (feat. Kelly Ravin and Sara Trunzo) and amateur (Louise Marks and Chris Battaglia) songwriters. May 2021. Live in Belfast at Steamboat Landing.
In the spring/summer of 2021, I worked again with the Belfast Co-op to make images for the purpose of updating their Featured Farmers promotional imagery and caché of farm-related imagery.
In the fall of 2020, the Belfast Co-op contracted photography work to update imagery and generate a new library of images for online, print, and social media.
In the fall/winter of 2019/2020, I participated in The Apprenticeshop 3-month traditional boatbuilding apprenticeship in exchange for video storytelling documenting the apprentice experience.
The Village Canoe is a multi-disciplinary program that uses the vessel of the canoe, the structure of an expedition, and the institution of the artist residency to explore craft, community, and collaboration.